Family Writing Circle

Join us in the upcoming Manos House Family Writing Circle on Tuesday, April 11th, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM! Facilitated by Scott D. Feifer.

What it’s not about:
❌ Grammar
❌ Good or Bad
❌ “I hate to write!”
❌ “I can write!”
❌ “I have nothing to say.”

What it is about:
✅ Writing about whatever comes to mind.
✅ Writing about what you know!
✅ Writing about the world. 
✅ Writing about your experiences.
✅ Sharing your memories & stories! 

✈️ Becoming a lifelong learner & willing to take risks!
✈️ Writing, hearing, and perhaps speaking with attention, empathy, courage, and compassion.